
Sent by

Dr. Elton Peci

Myomectomy is the term for the surgical procedure that performs the removal of uterine fibroids while preserving the uterus. This procedure can be done through open surgery (laparotomy - opening the abdomen) or through closed surgery (laparoscopy - which does not require opening the abdomen or hysteroscopy...  read full article

Alcohol and Alcoholism

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Alcoholic drinks have been known since ancient times. As long as there was water, fruits with sugar content, and fermentation, all the conditions were created for alcoholic drinks to form naturally. Coming into contact with alcoholic drinks, humans experienced the effects of both moderate and abusive consumption of these beverages...  read full article

Some questions of mothers for children

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Dr. Polikron Cela

Why do some children have bad breath? The most common causes are related to the oral cavity and poor digestion. Oral hygiene - is the most common cause. Food residue between the teeth, (especially sugars), ferment and produce a bad smell. If the mouth is rinsed, the smell changes...  read full article

Embryo selection

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Dr. Marsel Haxhia

During in-vitro fertilization (IVF) there are three important facts in achieving pregnancy: the rate of embryo division, morphological quality, and the number of embryos transferred. After egg retrieval, egg maturation and its morphology are good initial predictors for the possibility of having embryos after injectio...  read full article

Ovarian Cysts

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Dr. Kozeta Mustafaraj

Cysts are sacs filled with fluid inside or on the surface of the ovary. A woman has 2 ovaries, each of them the size and shape of an almond, located on each side of the uterus. The egg cell develops and matures in the ovary and is released every month in a cyclic manner during the reproductive life...  read full article

Teratogenicity and medications

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Dr. Ilda Ndreko

Changes (damages) in the blood vessels (microangiopathy) - cause a hypoxic condition (insufficient oxygen supply) in tissues, which in turn leads to spontaneous skin damage, hinder the normal healing of wounds and infections...  read full article


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Dr. Elton Peci

Hysteroscopy is a procedure that uses a tube-shaped telescope (hysteroscope) to visualize the inside of the uterine cavity. It is also a technique that allows the performance of various surgical interventions in the uterine cavity. Therefore, hysteroscopy can be diagnostic and operative...  read full article

Prophylactic mastectomy

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Dr. Rezarta Kapaj

Breast cancer, being the most common cancer among women, draws attention to an important concept, the concept of “high-risk breast”. The interest in further information on this topic has been increasing, not only among doctors but also among patients. Genetic analysis is the most...  read full article

Autologous plasma therapy

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Dr. Ardiana Sinani

Since ancient times, people have used blood as their food, and then from mythology or various beliefs it has been believed that drinking blood would help the body to regenerate, heal from various diseases or even rejuvenate. The use of blood as medical therapy b...  read full article

Calcaneus Fracture - Heel Bone

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Dr. Ledian Fezollari

Fractures of the heel bone, or calcaneus, can be a debilitating injury. They most often occur during high-energy impacts - such as a fall from a height or a motorcycle accident. Because of this, calcaneus fractures are often severe and can result in long-term problems...  read full article


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