Drug/Herbal Medicine Interactions

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Alba Themeli

Folk medicine has existed since the beginning of humanity. People are always looking for safer options than modern medicine to reduce potential risk and to minimize side effects, so they increasingly turn towards the use of medicinal plants...  read full article

Redness - Facial redness

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Dr. Ardiana Sinani

Facial redness is temporary, due to various causes that make us blush as a result of feeling bad emotionally in different social situations, the use of alcohol or the consumption of spicy foods, the change in the temperature of the environment where we stay, high temperature. All these factors cause an increas...  read full article

Anticoagulants and Antiplatelets

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Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako

Starting from a case in our clinical practice {the patient was using Aspirin as a “blood thinner” and was concerned that their Prothrombin Level (INR was increasing) was not decreasing}. It is difficult to explain that by using Aspirin as an antiplatelet, we do not expect the Prothrombin Level (INR) to change...  read full article

Urinary incontinence

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Dr. Shk. Rezar Rusi

Urinary incontinence or the loss of bladder control to hold urine is a troubling and common problem. The causes of incontinence vary at different ages, in males and females. In childhood, bladder control develops earlier in girls than in boys, and bedwetting i...  read full article


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Dr. Elton Peci

Colposcopy is as simple an examination as a pap-test. The gynecologist will examine the cervix through a microscope called a colposcope. During the colposcopic examination, special liquids (acetic acid and Lugol's solution) are applied to the cervix, which help in detecting change...  read full article

Children's cough

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Dr. Polikron Cela

Cough is a natural defense mechanism, for clearing the respiratory tract from various irritations; simple (smoke, gases, dust, etc.) or problematic (infections, foreign bodies, etc.). We distinguish what is called "wet cough" and "dry cough". The doctor advises some simple measures, they are worth for al...  read full article

Thyroid tumors

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Dr. Riselda Tahiraj

Thyroid Carcinomas (TC) are rare (3.6% of all human tumors) but are the most common endocrine malignancies. Their incidence has increased in recent decades, attributed to the detection of carcinomas < 1cm through the use of neck ultrasound. The male-to-female ratio is 4/1. The average age at diagnosis is...  read full article

Ozone, the elixir of life

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Dr. Ilir Agastra

In the painting "The Fountain of Youth" (1546, State Museums Berlin), Lucas Cranach has depicted the famous landscape where old and crippled people, upon reaching an oasis, washed and swam in the magical water, which made them pass to the other side young, rejuvenated, and ready to start a new life...  read full article

Down Syndrome - Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis

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Dr. Elton Peci

Prenatal diagnosis is an integral part of maternal-fetal medicine which aims at the prenatal identification of various fetal diseases. Initially, its object was genetic diseases, chromosomal abnormalities, and fetal malformations. Later, its objectives were expanded with the detection of pre-eclampsia...  read full article

PAP Test

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Gentiana Cekodhima

PAP Test is the microscopic examination of cells taken from the cervix (the neck of the uterus) and/or vagina to see their changes (precancerous, cancerous). It is also known as the Papanicolaou test or cervical/vaginal cytology. PAP Test was first used as an examination method by Georgio...  read full article


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