Hemorrhoids - Diagnosis and treatment (Part three)

The treatment of hemorrhoids can be done conservatively (non-surgically) as well as surgically.

The effectiveness of the therapy for hemorrhoidal disease is assessed by how satisfied the patient will remain after the treatment. Usually, patients are satisfied with conservative therapy, if their complaints are less pronounced or acceptable, even if anatomical abnormalities are still visible to the doctor.

Conservative treatment will be undertaken if the patient will adhere to a set of lifestyle rules.
  • Increasing fiber in their diet.
  • Increasing the use of clear fluids in the daily diet.
  • Avoid straining during the act of defecation.
  • Avoid sitting for a long time on the toilet during defecation.
Conservative treatment:

Usually, patients who apply these measures can improve their complaints. During follow-up visits, it must be reiterated to the patient that the necessity of following these few rules is very important and that any other therapy that may be undertaken is destined to fail if these rules are not adhered to.

Creams and ointments with local action can relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids but it has not been proven that they constitute a proper treatment for hemorrhoids. Even after the symptoms have disappeared following this treatment, the patient should undergo a clinical re-examination by the doctor.

  • Anesthetic ointments such as lidocaine-based ones are commonly used.
  • The affected area can be treated with ice packs.
  • Oral analgesics can be taken.
  • Laxatives can be taken to facilitate defecation.

For the outpatient treatment of hemorrhoids, several methods have been proposed, with not very reliable results and with some complications that should not be neglected. Such methods include:

  • Elastic band ligation with aspiration.
  • Sclerotherapy treatment with injections.
  • Combined treatment.
  • Cryotherapy and photocoagulation.
Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids:

In surgical treatments, these methods are summarized:

  1. Open hemorrhoidectomy. (Scalpel method). It is the standard intervention.
  2. Ligation of hemorrhoidal arteries under Doppler guidance.
  3. Ligation of hemorrhoidal arteries with Doppler and anorectal repair.
  4. Stapler hemorrhoidopexy.

It is important to inform the patient that each of these interventions performed in the perianal area may also have consequences such as: (Bleeding, infections, anal stenosis, damage to the anal sphincter, uncontrollable defecation).

Patients should be aware that the rehabilitation period can last several weeks and that after the intervention they should use:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (if there are no contraindications)
  • Metronidazole tablets orally for 5 days.
  • Laxatives such as: Lactulose as long as they are still not able to tolerate the defecation of solid fecal matter.
  • The Doppler technique is a technique usually used in patients with internal hemorrhoids with bleeding.
  • The technique of ligation of hemorrhoidal arteries with anorectal repair is a variant of the Doppler technique and is usually used in patients presenting with prolapsed hemorrhoids with bleeding.
  • The technique of stapler hemorrhoidopexy, also known as the stapler hemorrhoidectomy, is the preferred intervention in many specialized centers compared to open hemorrhoidectomy.
  • Statistically, there have been no significant differences between the techniques of open hemorrhoidectomy and stapler techniques.

Recent studies have shown that patients who underwent stapler hemorrhoidopexy experienced less pain and the healing time was shorter compared to the open hemorrhoidectomy method. However, the percentage of hemorrhoid recurrence, over several years, was much higher in Stapler interventions.

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many good and useful tips

Sent by rass, më 19 April 2014 në 03:22

I would like to know more about this topic and would like, if possible, to know some treatment methods if the material was good

Sent by Titi, më 25 Agust 2014 në 14:54

A few days ago, I went to the bathroom to have a bowel movement, but I strained a lot and it started to bleed in my stool. Now, every time I go, blood comes out. What should I do?? The blood is bright red and when I'm not having a bowel movement, I don't have any bleeding. I am 16 years old

Sent by zana, më 26 Agust 2014 në 12:31

Dear Zana!
I think that the concerns you present make it necessary to consult with a proctologist. Of course, in the meantime, you need to ensure regular bowel movements without straining

Sent by Dr . viktori , më 28 Agust 2014 në 02:08

I'm a bit worried because I first got hemorrhoids during the 7th-8th month of pregnancy and I had quite a few concerns. Now, I don't have those concerns, but these past 3-4 days I've had a stomach virus with vomiting and my hemorrhoids have become quite irritated. What should I drink or do? I now have 4-5 of them and they cause pain from time to time. How should I act, any quick advice? Also, I've been taking antibiotics for a throat infection these days and those have caused a lot of redness in my intimate areas. Thanks for the advice

Sent by atelieranna@hotmail.com, më 06 February 2015 në 07:30

Dear atelerianna@hotmail.com!
It is common to have problems with hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Which should be treated even after childbirth. I think that problems are not
solved by using antibiotics (especially since if you are breastfeeding,
it can harm the baby, or may change the taste of the milk and the baby will not want to breastfeed).
Mainly, you should ensure regular bowel movements without straining, use
strict hygiene locally as well as some ointment with
lidocaine and antibiotics in the anal area.
If the discomfort does not go away within a few days, you should
be checked by a proctologist doctor.
I wish you well!

Sent by Dr . viktori , më 17 February 2015 në 14:47

Hello, Dr. I am worried because I have been suffering from hemorrhoids for almost 1 year. Occasionally, when I have a bowel movement, I experience some bleeding and pain. I notice that around the anus, every time I go outside, I have swelling in the anal area. Please, how can I be treated, thank you

Sent by toni, më 06 April 2015 në 07:59

Hello! I wanted to get an opinion about hemorrhoids which are really a concern and an annoyance for me. They first appeared during my adolescence and got severely aggravated during my child's birth. I know that I suffer from constipation, and it's a condition that my parents have as well. From what I've read, I must have Grade IV hemorrhoids because since giving birth, I have a small part that remains outside and doesn't go back in no matter how much I try, and it gets irritated from time to time due to the straining when I go to the bathroom, but I try to treat it with various lidocaine-based ointments and had gotten used to this way of life. Recently, I've noticed that when I haven't gone to the bathroom for a few days, the external hemorrhoid gets bigger and I can't push it back in, but after I go to the bathroom, it starts to shrink and goes back to its original size. Please give me some advice because it has really become bothersome. I want to know if there is another way besides surgery, something that isn't painful. Maybe laser treatment or I don't know

Sent by Nila, më 08 May 2015 në 03:29

Hello, I have a concern about hemorrhoids. It's been a week since a small part came out of my anus, and I am worried. I don't have problems with defecation; I defecate regularly every day. It bothers me a bit because when I go outside, I feel a little pain. Please, if you can advise me on something, write to me by email, thank you

Sent by grezi, më 21 June 2015 në 07:26

Response: Dear Grezi!
The information you provide about your concern
is insufficient to give you a
valuable opinion.
I would recommend you to have a consultation
with a proctologist.
With respect,

Sent by Viktor Qereshniku, më 19 July 2015 në 04:27

Hello, I am a boy from Tirana and I am very worried because I have developed a kind of red lump next to where the large intestine ends, and I am embarrassed to get checked by any doctor. Which doctor should I go to and what might I have? Thank you

Sent by Taulant , më 24 October 2016 në 00:47

The main thing is to undergo a medical checkup
Because leaving things untreated can
The faster the treatment, the greater
the chances for a definitive cure.
"Remove the shame and the disease"!
Dr. Viktori

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 24 October 2016 në 01:38

Hello, sorry to bother you, but I wanted to know that I have been experiencing bleeding for 2 days, especially yesterday I had a lot during defecation. Please help me as I am very worried and today I also had some pain. Thank you very much if you can advise me on anything

Sent by Sela, më 12 November 2016 në 04:33

Honorable Sela, with the good desire to help you, I can only tell you that the sooner you consult a specialist doctor, the better it will be.
With respect,

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 13 November 2016 në 01:37

Hello, I think I have external hemorrhoids at the exit of the anus outside. Every time I defecate, they swell and there are 4-5 round ones at the exit of the anus, after defecation they stabilize after a few hours and until the next defecation where they swell again, and the only way to clean them is with the shower head with running water and without touching them with anything else because it hurts. This situation has been going on for more than two years. I have not treated it with any cream or ointment and would like to know your opinion on how to proceed to get rid of this condition

Sent by Armand, më 29 April 2017 në 17:55

Hello, 11 years ago I developed hemorrhoids during pregnancy and I suffered throughout that time. Two years ago, I underwent surgery and saw improvement following the recommended diet. However, this year, they have appeared several times, especially these days I am very irritated. I have taken medication, but I am still very concerned. Is there any medicine that can provide an effect so that they do not return? Thank you

Sent by teuta , më 31 May 2017 në 11:07

About a year ago, I started having hemorrhoids and often they would go away, but I have been having them again for a month now and I experience a lot of pain when going to the bathroom. The pain eases for a moment but then starts again and it's unbearable. I have also used suppositories, but the pain continues. I would kindly ask for advice on what to use to soothe the pains so that they don't come out. Thank you in advance for your response

Sent by arsen, më 13 June 2017 në 04:58

I have been having issues with hemorrhoids for about a week. They are not external; I do not have any bleeding. Bowel movements are normal, not hard. The problem I have is a burning sensation after going to the bathroom; I am not an alcoholic. I have used Davidson in the tube, antrolin (cream)

Sent by Bashkim, më 15 July 2017 në 04:06

Greetings. My name is arencbitra@yahoo.com and I am 41 years old. My problem is that every day, including when I am at work, a piece of flesh hangs out from my lower exterior, which bothers me and causes pain. I have a method where I use a glove from the pharmacy to push it back in, but it has reached the point where I have to do it twice a day. I have never had any bleeding. I also have the problem of spending a long time in the toilet. But it's not because I have a problem with going, but rather to avoid straining. I am abroad and do not know the language and do not know anyone. Please help me with your advice. Thank you

Sent by Arenc, më 15 July 2017 në 11:48

Need a proctologist consultation.
I am not available.
Past. Seems something simple.

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 16 July 2017 në 05:28

I am 18 years old. I have had this problem for 2 years and today I was very scared because when I was doing my business, I had a lot of bleeding with a deep red color and thick blood. I have never been checked because of the shame. Can you please give me an opinion on what stage I am in?

Sent by Taulant, më 06 Agust 2017 në 16:07

Dear Taulant,
Your problem can be solved with a visit
To the surgeon in the city where you are or with a
I recommend you not to neglect it.

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 07 Agust 2017 në 00:59

Hi, I have a problem. I've been having very hard bowel movements for a while, but for the past two days, I've been defecating with fresh red blood. I've never suffered from hemorrhoids or anything like that, it's just that for the last two days, I've been bleeding. I don't have much pain at the end of defecation, but I see a bit of red blood in the toilet bowl, and when I wipe with toilet paper, I see blood... Is there something that can treat this bleeding? Or perhaps it comes from the hard bowel movements that I've been having all this time? Could you please give me an answer? Thanks, respectfully, Marius

Sent by Marusi , më 12 September 2017 në 05:01

I think it might have been caused by an anal fissure. Seek consultation with a proctologist. I am not in Albania. Best regards, Viktori

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 12 September 2017 në 05:06

I am a 22-year-old girl, and for about 3-4 months, I have been having problems with my anus. I remember that in January 2017, I had a day of constipation, and then it returned during the summer. Every time I go out, I have pain and thick bowel movements, it feels like constant constipation regardless of the food I eat, it's the same thing. I have tried laxative tea, even though the stool is thinner, I still have pain and can't even sit down for at least a day and a half. I want to know your opinion if these are hemorrhoids or something more, because this month has been terrible...I don't remember the last time I had a normal bowel movement. It feels like it has become a wound. I await your reply, thank you

Sent by Klenida, më 29 October 2017 në 16:15

Honored, the complaints you present correspond to an anal fissure.
Firstly, I think the diagnosis should be clarified and then treatment should be carried out.
I would advise a fibrosigmoidoscopy.
It can also be done at QSUT.
With respect,

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 30 October 2017 në 02:19

Hello, I am Bledar and for a year I have had a problem with hemorrhoids, but I also have internal throat temperature and large intestine difficulty

Sent by bledar, më 05 November 2017 në 10:17

For example, I am Shkumi. I have a problem with defecation. Not continuously, but occasionally when I go outside. I have bleeding, how can I get rid of this disease..... please tell me what I can do. Because I live in England and I can't go to the doctor..

Sent by Shkumimena@gmail.com , më 18 November 2017 në 20:20

Blood in the stool requires a
Colonoscopy, to determine the location
From where the bleeding is coming.
For this, one must go to the doctor

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 19 November 2017 në 03:07

Greetings, I am 36 years old and have been suffering from hemorrhoids since March. I underwent a procedure in May at the hospital and have used many medications, but they have returned. I had a colonoscopy and they found the hemorrhoids to be in stage two. They told me that I need to undergo surgery. Is it absolutely necessary to have the surgery, or should I wait to see if they improve over time? I live in Italy. Please, I need an explanation. Thank you very much

Sent by fatime , më 28 November 2017 në 13:19

Act as the specialists have told you

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 28 November 2017 në 14:24

I have this problem too, I have been having it for 2 weeks now where every time I go to the bathroom, I bleed. I have a lot of problems with constipation, I can't go at all, and when I do go now, I bleed... I have seen a doctor and he has given me medicines and a cream to treat it. I have started them 4 days ago but I continue the same, still going with difficulty and bleeding, even now I notice external hemorrhoids that have appeared... I would like to know what grade my hemorrhoids are... and how I can be treated

Sent by Alda, më 06 December 2017 në 10:15

Dear Ada,
Bleeding with stool requires a more thorough examination. The origin of the blood flow needs to be looked into, and this is achieved with a SIGMOIDOSCOPY examination

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 06 December 2017 në 11:44

Hello, I am 16 years old but it's been 3 days I've been like this. The day before yesterday, I was constipated but now, every day when I need to go to the bathroom, I get bloated. Whenever I defecate, they swell and there are 4-5 like circles around the exit of the anus, after defecation, they stabilize and I'm fine, only when I defecate they swell

Sent by Andreaa, më 16 December 2017 në 06:50

The problem cannot be solved with electronics.
Consult with a proctologist, with
a recommendation from the family doctor, you
can be directed for a hospital visit

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 16 December 2017 në 13:24

I am a 27-year-old woman and I have problems with hemorrhoids. I have had some tests, including a colonoscopy, and it turns out I have internal hemorrhoids. I have taken some medications, but there has been no improvement. I experience swelling when I go to the bathroom and there is a lump in my anus that does not go away at all. I have a lot of pain. Please, can someone who has had the same problems respond and share how they were treated?

Sent by Sonila, më 14 January 2018 në 05:45

When hemorrhoids cannot be cured with medication,
Surgical intervention can be chosen which
is simple, WITHOUT complications, and also
methods that are done in day hospital and that
have a very high % of definitive healing.

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 14 January 2018 në 09:59

I wanted to ask... My mother is 50 years old and has been suffering from hemorrhoids for a week.. meaning a part stays outside the anus all the time.
She has had them before but didn't have pain and managed by pushing them back in with her finger.
This week she has pain, itching, and seems swollen but there is no bleeding.
Also, my mother suffers from constipation.
What do you recommend and thank you

Sent by Justin, më 16 March 2018 në 14:15

Dear Mr. Justin,
Firstly, your mother needs to avoid constipation.
I think if it does not improve, she should
consult a proctologist.
I am currently not available.
Best regards,

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 17 March 2018 në 05:51

Hello, I am 44 years old and a few years ago I developed hemorrhoids, but they stopped for 2-3 years and now they have reappeared and I have internal bleeding. Please tell me what to use

Sent by Kaltrina, më 14 April 2018 në 07:42

Dear Kaltrina,
Firstly, it is necessary to precisely determine the origin and cause of the hemorrhage.
For this reason, I think that a fibrosigmoidoscopy should be done.
The specialist who performs this procedure will also advise on further treatment.
If you are referred by the family doctor, this procedure can be done at QSUT without any expenses.
Best regards

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 14 April 2018 në 09:35

Hello. I was reading the article and, like most people, I have the same concern. During pregnancy, I developed hemorrhoids, but I haven't had them checked. When I defecate, two parts come out like hanging flesh. They were smaller in size but have grown recently. I can reposition one part but not the other. Occasionally, I also have bleeding since I suffer a bit from constipation. I don't have pain. Please, what should I do? Where should I go for a check-up? Thank you

Sent by Elen, më 22 April 2018 në 08:21

Dear Elen,
First and foremost, you should avoid constipation primarily through diet and maintain local hygiene. You can also use some ointment for anal use. If you continue to experience discomfort, you can consult a proctologist. Many mothers go through the same thing after childbirth.
Take care.

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 23 April 2018 në 08:31

Hello. I have been suffering from severe hemorrhoid irritation for 2 months, as I had them before but they did not bother me. For the past 2 months, I have been experiencing pain, burning, and itching but no bleeding. I consulted a surgeon as there is no proctologist in Korce, and he prescribed a treatment with 10 gentamicins and ceporin. They provided temporary relief, but then I got diarrhea and the irritation returned. I have used pharmaceutical creams like Doloprokt, and 2 others, one Italian, and they did not help. I also used ointments and a kind of disinfectant from a folk doctor which soothe me but have not cured me. I have 2 large hemorrhoids and several small ones. Of these two large ones, one is red just like the flesh of the body, the other, which causes me more itching in part of it, turns slightly black. Can you give me advice on what I should do? Thx

Sent by Luka, më 05 June 2018 në 03:09

Based on your description, it might be
A thrombosed hemorrhoidal node.
I think you should initially treat it with
the Italian ointment that contains anti-inflammatories as well as with
local baths with potassium permanganate or with
boric acid dissolved in cold water.
If you do not see improvement, after 10 days
You should find the opportunity to consult
with a proctologist.
I am not in Albania.
Take care

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 05 June 2018 në 04:40

Hello! I am 25 years old and I have developed a small, elongated piece of flesh near my anus. During bowel movements, I feel a bit of scratching which is then followed by swelling, but it stabilizes afterward. I also experience a lot of itching. I have been massaging it with aloe vera for 2 days, but I don't see any change. Please, what can you recommend to me since I see this as a very serious problem?

Sent by Briseiba, më 05 Agust 2018 në 15:44

Honorable Briseiba,
Firstly, I think you should do a fecal analysis
For parasites and you can consult
with a proctologist.
I no longer conduct consultations in the clinic.
Best regards

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 06 Agust 2018 në 03:12

I have problems with internal hemorrhoids, but they only appear when I strain, otherwise not. What can you help me with?

Sent by Armend Mustafa, më 17 March 2019 në 12:15

We are not in Albania.
You should consult with a proctologist.

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 18 March 2019 në 01:35

I have a problem, it seems I have hemorrhoids after giving birth twice. I didn't have them after the first birth, but after the second one, when I finished my needs, blood would flow and there's something like a hard lump outside the intestine, it's purple and it's bothering me. I've been using Heparthrombin ointment for two days since I didn't have capsules. For now, I notice it more when I clean myself, but I don't feel any pain. If you have any advice or recommendation, please tell me where I can seek help

Sent by Fitnete, më 31 May 2019 në 05:11

Honorable Fitnete,
What you mention is called a thrombosed external hemorrhoidal node.
You must avoid constipation, do local cleaning with potassium permanganate water and I believe that
it should calm down within a week.
If not, make a visit to the proctologist.

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 31 May 2019 në 16:09

I am 30 years old and have problems with my anus, pain, and after I defecate, I experience burning. Lately, I have had back and genital pain. A year ago, I had a colonoscopy and everything came out fine. I went to the doctors and they said it was internal hemorrhoids. Please, I need advice

Sent by Tahiri, më 16 June 2019 në 07:57

Colonoscopy has ruled out
More serious pathology.
Treat the hemorrhoids or even
the anal fissure, avoid
Constipation and maintain a
good local hygiene.
The past

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 19 June 2019 në 02:20

Colonoscopy has ruled out
more serious problems.
Hemorrhoids or
Anal fissures need to be treated, to avoid
Constipation and to maintain regular
Local hygiene.
Past issues

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 19 June 2019 në 02:22

Hello, doctor. A month ago, I experienced a mild pain in my anus while sitting. After 10 days, it went away without any treatment. It has now recurred. I have had no problems with defecation, no abdominal pain, and no difficulty urinating. My job is as an economist, and I sit for almost 8 hours a day. Please, doctor, could you tell me if I need to undergo any checks and what examinations I should have? Thank you

Sent by ada, më 15 July 2019 në 03:08

With so little information, I cannot
Determine the diagnosis.
Make a visit to the proctologist

Replay from Dr. Viktor QERESHNIKU, më 18 July 2019 në 17:55

Hello doctor. A month ago, I had a mild pain in my anus when sitting, which went away after a week without any treatment. This situation has recurred. For a week now, I have had pain in my anus, which goes away and then reappears. I don't have pain when going out; please, what do you suggest? Thank you

Sent by ada, më 18 July 2019 në 05:26

Hello doctor, 5 months ago I had a check-up with the gastroenterologist, I told him about my symptoms and he said that they are hemorrhoids. I haven't done any tests or camera inspections. I had bleeding and he recommended antibiotics and cream. The bleeding stopped, but it comes back every 4-5 days. What do you recommend? Should I have surgery to permanently remove them? I wanted to know

Sent by Vali, më 16 Agust 2019 në 16:05

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