Ozone in cosmetology (Part two)

The adipose tissue plays the role of an energy storage depot in the organism. Every fat cell is surrounded by a capillary network, so it is in close and continuous contact with the blood. Under normal conditions, adipocytes take oxygen and nutrients through the blood and release the products of catabolism into it.

A disorder of this mechanism leads to the development of local hypoxia, toxicosis, acidosis, and ultimately cellulite. Under conditions of hypoxia in an acidic environment, the connective tissue that surrounds the fat cells increases and forms small nodes of cellulite (micronodules). The fat cells degenerate, become groups, and form large conglomerates (macronodules) in the connective tissue that block the circulation of blood and lymph, leading to the calcification of the fat cells.

Cellulite is characterized by the development of microangiopathy and disorders of the lymphatic structures. In the early stages, the cosmetic effect on the skin appears in the form of so-called "orange peel skin". With further progression, it transforms into "grape clusters".

Therefore, the main mechanism in the development of cellulite is the disorder of microcirculation that leads to edema, which in turn aggravates hemodynamics and thus closes a vicious circle.

Treatment of cellulite.

Until recently, there were not many methods for treating this cosmetic problem. Anti-cellulite massage brings a slight temporary improvement. A low-calorie diet seems totally ineffective, even a significant weight loss does not reduce fat from problematic areas.

The cellulite therapy program combines local ozone therapy (subcutaneous injections of ozone, massage, application of ozonated olive oil) with systemic ozone therapy (ozonated physiological, rectal insufflation, major autohemotherapy); it gives visible and lasting results.

Subcutaneous ozone:

  1. improves microcirculation in the skin and subcutaneous fat tissue;
  2. stimulates the transformation of persistent fats into less persistent fats, thus facilitating their burning.
  3. thanks to its fibrinolytic properties, contributes to the dissolution of fibrous membranes surrounding fat cells
  4. activates oxygen-dependent reactions and releases oxygen to the surrounding tissues.

Systemic ozone:

  1. restores the hormonal environment
  2. regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
  3. quickly eliminates the consequences of stress and chronic fatigue
  4. balances the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system
  5. increases oxygen supply to the entire organism.
  6. facilitates the rapid elimination of fats from the stomach, especially from its lower part. This cannot be achieved through traditional methods of correction, diet, or general slimming.

It would be more rational to start the treatment of cellulite in its early stages when it is only an aesthetic problem. In this case, ozone can be used as monotherapy and only a few procedures in the form of subcutaneous injections are needed to achieve a good cosmetic effect. Treatment options should be determined individually depending on the stage and form of cellulite, the size of the affected area, age, accompanying pathology, individual characteristics of the organism (sensitivity to pain, etc.)

Typical treatment course:

Consists of 10-20 sessions with a frequency of 1-3 times a week.
Positive treatment results are seen after 3-5 sessions:

  • relief in the lower limbs
  • reduction of edema and puffiness
  • reduction or complete disappearance of "orange peel skin"
  • decrease in subcutaneous tissue volume.
  • the skin does not sag (as happens after usual slimming), on the contrary, it becomes more elastic.
  • normalization of the connective tissue structure as a result of the fibrinolytic effect of ozone.
  • reduction in the level of hypertrophic adipocytes in the subcutaneous tissue.

Through ozone therapy, a rapid reduction of fat layers is achieved, adipose tissues become thicker and more compact. Good results can also be achieved in body contouring (non-surgical shaping of forms, non-surgical liposuction): correction of double chins, oval faces, breast shapes, thighs, and buttocks.

As a rule, cellulite is not an independent pathology but manifests intoxication of the organism against the background of the underlying disease. Therefore, without removing the cause, it is impossible to cure the consequence. Ozone, through a complex effect, acts at the molecular, cellular, systemic level, and treats both the underlying disease and its consequence, i.e., cellulite.

A) at the beginning B) after 8 sessions C) after 15 sessions

T1-weighted axial MRI in a 26-year-old patient with cellulite shows a reduction in the subcutaneous fat layer (Garofalo et al., 2002)

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